纪录片Holunderblüte在线播放视频资源由八一影院收集整理,本片由Volker,Koepp执导、未知等联合主演,Holunderblüte是纪录题材中一部很不错的作品,值得各位网友娱乐观看,如果觉得不错记得分享转发给你的朋友一起看哦。加達路孚的冬天很冷,風很大,孩子很野。曾是普魯士統治範圍內的一條繁華村落,二戰後卻被劃為加裡寧格勒的一部份,德國人自此被趕走,蘇聯人民被安排遷居於此。轉眼間,曾經風光的村落變成百廢待興的荒涼之地。有能力離開的人,早已離開;留著的,除了那些日夜酗酒的成年人,就只有一群比成年人還要成熟的小大人。這些野孩子,在極度貧乏的環境下茁壯生存,像極早上七八點的和煦太陽。The film tells the story of the Kaliningrad region and its inhabitants. A landscape full of history. After World War II the former Prussian province turned into a Russian exclave. The film is dedicated to a generation, born in the 90’s, and familiar with the Soviet Union and East Prussia only from school books. With the calamity of unemployment and the ravages of alcohol, many children are left to their own devices, in landscapes that are returning to the wild. Games, dreams, solidarity, and the fierce will to live defy a forsaken world.