纪录片性:通向伊甸园的秘密通道在线播放视频资源由八一影院收集整理,本片由Roger,Press执导、未知等联合主演,性:通向伊甸园的秘密通道是纪录题材中一部很不错的作品,值得各位网友娱乐观看,如果觉得不错记得分享转发给你的朋友一起看哦。Discover the Alchemy, Tantra, and Kabbalah hidden in the Mysteries of Adam and Eve. Temptation. The serpent. The expulsion from Paradise. Archetypal stories that have moved millions of human beings: but who has understood their real meaning? Theories abound, but humanity remains suffering in the wilderness. Now, the Esoteric Doctrine upon which all the world s great religions are grounded is revealed. Behold the Great Arcanum: the tremendous secret fiercely protected for centuries. Behold the true heart of all great religions and mystical traditions: the Path of the Razor's Edge, the exact science to awaken the Consciousness and free the soul from suffering. The road to return to Eden is revealed; it is time for man and woman to rectify their mistakes and return to their true home. This video presents: the Universal Experience of Suffering and its Universal Remedy; the Secret Teachings of...