Tracing Light海报

Tracing Light

纪录片Tracing Light在线播放视频资源由八一影院收集整理,本片由托马斯·里德尔斯海默执导、未知等联合主演,Tracing Light是纪录题材中一部很不错的作品,值得各位网友娱乐观看,如果觉得不错记得分享转发给你的朋友一起看哦。Light is a fascinating phenomenon. Without light, there would be no cinema, no film – and no life. So light is at the origin of everything, and yet it remains invisible to the eye until it hits matter. This moment is – quite literally – the starting point of Thomas Riedelsheimer’s latest work, for the springtime spectacle of rainbow shreds in the cinematographer and documentary filmmaker’s flat became the starting point of a search for the origin of the images we form of this world. For this quest he dived deep into two spheres that seem to follow different laws but always strive to fathom the magical: physics and art.   An intellectual and poetic ping pong game evolves between researchers from the Max Planck Institute in Erlangen and the “Extreme Light Group” of the University of Glasgow as well as internationally renowned artists such as Ruth Jarman, Joe Gerhardt, Julie Brook, Johannes Brunner and Raimund Ritz. In its course, the various perspectives on light lead to new insights on all sides that would hardly have been achieved without this methodical cross-over: about laser power and colour pigments, about black holes and floating sculptures. In brief moments, the uninitiated may even get some idea of the laws of quantum physics, generally considered impossible to visualise.

1、请问哪个平台可以免费在线观看《Tracing Light》?

贴吧网友:Tracing Light在线观看地址:https://www.81dy.cc/81dydetail/375684.html

1、《Tracing Light》哪些演员主演的?


2、《Tracing Light》什么时候上映/上映日期是多少?


3、《Tracing Light》观后感:

微博网友:从纪录片的制作角度来看,《Tracing Light》无疑是一部精品。它把纪录的元素融入到了一个个生动的情节中,让人既感到新奇又感到惊叹。影片的视觉效果十分出色,以大胆的想象和细腻的情感描绘,将观众带入一个既神秘又动人的世界,充分展示了纪录的魅力。音效、剧情节奏以及对主题的探讨等均彰显出了专业水准,不禁使人入胜且乐在其中。

